
Outdoor Events

Join us on an outdoor adventure as we challenge ourselves, learn new skills, strengthen relationships, promote diversity and sustainability, and feed our inner desire to explore! OE offers fun-filled road trips to some of the most beautiful places in the western US! For water trips, you must be able to swim. Swim lessons are available at the SRC Pool. Sign up for a trip at the OE Shop today and return with stories to share, memories to relive, photos to exchange, and friends that will last a lifetime.

NOTE: All outdoor trips are open to the UCR community, and we also offer competitive pricing across the Inland Empire.
Contact us at, (951) 827-7040 for more information on trips, workshops, certs and gear rentals. We are located at UC Riverside's West Linden Street in front of Parking Lot 25, Student Recreation Center North. 




Cancellation Policy

If a participant cancels 14+ days in advance of the scheduled excursion or event, a full refund is given. If a participant cancels 14 days or less from the start of the scheduled excursion, no refund or credit is issued (exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis). We recommend finding a replacement participant to avoid loss of payment. Switching trips may constitute a cancellation and is subject to the aforementioned policy.

NOTE: Outdoor Excursions reserves the right to change or modify any trip. If a trip is cancelled due to low participation, inclement weather or instructor illness, a full refund or credit is issued.