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Earn nationally recognized certifications through the UCR Recreation Outdoor Excursions program. Our trainings are open to everyone, conveniently located at the SRC for registration, and considerably more affordable than anywhere else in Southern California!
Featured Discounts
Take advantage of special discounts on scuba equipment and dive boats. Valid for UCR students, staff and faculty.
Riverside SCUBA Locker
Riverside Scuba Locker offers 10% discounts to the UCR community for new equipment purchases (custom items excluded). The shop is only three miles from campus. Show your R’Card to receive the discount.
For more information, visit riversidescuba.com.
Sundiver International
Sundiver International offers $100 one-day dive boat trips (three tanks) to the UCR community (normally $150). Includes light breakfast, lunch, snacks and two air fills. Trip leaves from Long Beach. Show your R’Card to receive the discount.
SCUBA Scholarship Application
Open Water SCUBA certification class offered through Outdoor Excursions is offering a scholarship. To apply, submit an essay (under 1000 words) detailing
- Why you want to learn to SCUBA dive.
- How you plan to use this certification to continue diving after completing the course.
- Any other information regarding why you should get this scholarship(examples: GPA, a personal history of overcoming obstacles, etc.).
One winning essay is chosen each year from all submissions fall quarter.
Email your essay to joab.corey@ucr.edu with the subject line “SCUBAScholarship Application” followed by your full name. Deadline for entries: TBA.